Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear America

Congratulations. You did it.

In 2004, the rest of the world was telling us, “Don’t fuck this up.” We did anyway. The rest of the world told us again, “Don’t’ fuck this up.” We finally listened, and I’m proud to say we haven’t. Yet.

For the past eight years, the country was led on the basis of divisiveness and fear. Dissenters were locked out of the process, branded unpatriotic and un-American. The specter of terrorism was trumpeted continuously and used to begin and continue a costly and completely unnecessary war. For eight years, in the words of Matt Taibbi, we “voted against people we hated, rather than for people we liked.” And if the last eight years are any indication, that’s no way to run a country.

I am hopeful for the country for the first time in eight years. I’m hopeful that the country has turned a corner; in terms of race, but more importantly, in terms of leadership.

Some say that Barack Obama’s policy ideas are not the best and that he isn’t the best candidate. I suppose the former is open for debate, but I sincerely believe that the latter isn’t. The presidency is about leadership, and Obama has shown himself to be a great leader. He ran the most efficient campaign and demonstrated a remarkable understanding of new media and how it affects elections. Obama has inspired more people- an entire generation- than any president since JFK. One man can’t change everything, or anything. But that one man can lead us to change things. Inspiration, idealism, and hope count for something, no more so than now as we exit from a dark age of fear and ignorance.

Mr. Obama, unlike George Bush in 2004, you have won a mandate. Use it to make our country better. Push for affordable healthcare, work to regain America’s lost stature in the world, make our economy strong again, and give us reason to once again trust our government. Don’t, however, abuse this mandate. You ran on a platform of inclusion. Please follow through. Do everything in your power to ensure that your party does too. Allow Republicans to have a voice, and allow Democrats to have a choice.

Finally, Mr. Obama, don’t forget your supporters. Don’t forget the reasons we voted for you. Don’t forget the hope and idealism that inspired us. Don’t’ underestimate us; we’ll do more for you and our country than you think.

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